We want to celebrate the creativity, passion and power that each woman brings to her business and to the world. We want Bossladies to encourage other women to continue following their dreams of entrepreneurship, and sharing their unique voices with others.The main goal of Bossladies is to foster a trusted community for women entrepreneurs to exchange best business practices and experiences, and to share their knowledge and network with one another.
At bossladies, the word WE is extremely important. We care for each other, we support each other and we cheer for each other. We want each member have the same love and passion supporting the BL community, as they bring to their own businesses. In our community, there is no space for competition amongst one another, only support, guidance, and knowledge-sharing. Our aim is to give back to one another, to enrich our industries, and to provide a safe space for other female entrepreneurs.
In order to keep our group of entrepreneurs active, dynamic, and effective, we limit memberships to 25 individuals, maximum. Membership dues help facilitate all of our events economically. And all members are invited to six events per year, ranging from speakers and panels, cultural events, and networking mixers, in addition to monthly think tank events. All members are open to join all events. Each event is limited to 25 participants to guarantee the quality of the program and the ability to foster strong connections within the group.
We also work with different sponsors who contribute in a variety of ways. They may offer their expertise as a speaker or panelist, their space to host an event, or their products in the form of drinks, meals, and or other gifts to our members. If you are interested in sponsoring one of our events, please contact us here.
We have an evolving group of active members and slots do open up every year for new people to join. If you are interested in joining bossladies, reach out to us directly to secure a spot on our waiting list. We will also send a welcome note and questionnaire, so that our community can get to know you and your business as well. Potential new members are usually invited to an event as a guest of a current member, so they can meet us and see if becoming a member is a good fit for them. See our Membership section in the menu above, for more information.